New Tidings in 2022!

“The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity” Amelia Earhart

Happy New year! Am I allowed to say that half way through the month? But how fast has this January gone? It’s literally halfway done. Christmas had me on lock down with that Omicron *sighs*. It was bad the first night; body aches had me thinking it was malaria, the rest of the days were pretty much okay except for the fatigue. Nothing as eventful, thus far.

I normally don’t make new year’s resolutions, but this year my therapist challenged me because when you have an ADHD brain, oh boy! You’re setting yourself up big time. So I set up goals that by the end of the year I want to achieve and they must be practical and time conscious (because if not…well; tomorrow to infinity). I hope I’ll be able to achieve at least even half of them because the goal is about improving yourself and life so even half way there is better than been at zero.

This year, I’m challenging myself and actually taking the practical steps that will enable me to see my goals come to pass. It takes a day at a time, literally! There days I don’t want to show up but I have to. One thing I’m learning is how important it is to show up! Be it for yourself, work, family, a commitment like gym and others you made SHOW UP! That’s the best thing to do, even if you do not achieve all that you wanted, you been there is enough to keep you going. Why? It becomes a habit. It’s the small 1% differences we do every day that accumulate overtime and results seen later after you showed up, even on the days you feel you half-assed it, you still showed up and it counted. Forming a pattern or habit requires constant repetition and by even missing one or two days, you have started the bad habit of not showing up. It may seem small, at first, but isn’t that how all habits good or bad begin? Just one day. In fact, there’s this “dark valley” people go through whereby they don’t see the change in the beginning even when they are keeping at it. Think about this time like how a plant takes time to get rooted properly before shooting up and sprouting. The growth people see only comes from that consistency and only roots that have been well formed have healthy plants. Same applies, only well formed habits (through repetition) will stick and be secondary nature to you.

So guys, remember show up, most importantly for you. I’m for sure going to have to show up even on the days I feel I can’t I’ll do what I can and that’s still something in the right direction. Hope this gets you thinking this 2022.

Keep Smiling 

Simply Siro


Photography Eric Shimzy

Skirt – Custom made

Top – random shop in CBD

Shoes – Old