Classic Black

“ Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.” Bernard Maruch

Hello 🙂 ! How are you today? Hope you had a great weekend, mine was a little busy, if you follow me, which you should, on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (@simplysiro) you by now know I have a small start up business selling cold pressed oils from around Africa. You can find us, Alkebulan Roots on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, we do deliveries. Support a sister, ey? Enough of the plugs :-). December is here guys, a whole year gone by so fast, yet not fast enough. I can honestly say I am looking forward to 2019, unlike last year, I just had a feeling this year would be sh*t, if you had a great year awesome. Not to say I didn’t have any highlights but most were far between, bora uhai? I guess? Hehe.

I’m actually in my pajamas right now sited on my bed as I type this, curtains still drawn so it’s dim. I can here sweet little birds tweeting away as the gutter outside my right-hand window gently drips last night rain unto leaves soothingly. Such things in life can be beautiful because of their simplicity and sense of just being. I always strive to be my most authentic self thus, ‘Simply Siro’ (pronounced see-row NOT SHIRO!) I just want to be me. Sounds odd? Nope, it really is not. Many of us are out here living lives for the gram and online facades we have created that are making us miserable. People nowadays try so damn hard to be the version of themselves that they think is what others will like for the sake of validation. You will never be able to please everyone, heck, we disappoint our parents at times and they birthed us, so you can never escape people with negative feelings or opinions about you. This is why I strive to be the best me and so should you, because either way, you cannot please everyone so you might as well be your authentic self. The best thing is that as humans we can always tell a genuine person from a fake individual, unless your bullsh*t meter is broken. Think about it, we like genuine people because they are unapologetically themselves, their energy is infectious and they leave positive vibes wherever they go. This Christmas guys as we enter the new year, if you are tired of things been the same change it up. You cannot expect the turn of a year to change things yet it’s the same sh*t different day. Wuu! Today I have said kaka more than usual, but that’s me, I do cuss. Sometimes no politically correct word can replace the energy you are trying to emote as best as a cuss word, or that’s just me?

My outfit, kama kawaida, is simple with accessories you have seen before, but that’s just me. I wear what I like and work with what I have. If you are reading this and have wanted to start a blog, do it. Stop the excuses of I need this and that. I don’t always buy new clothes, so I style the tonne of clothes I have and even worn for years. My bestie always tells me, ‘Work with what you have’ simple. But people still don’t get that being yourself is enough. You are enough as you are and those telling you otherwise are fake people. When I heard the news of Stan Lee’s death, may his soul rest in peace, someone went to cut onions. This man made my childhood so memorable and worthwhile that I couldn’t help but be so grateful he was himself. When he began making comics he felt a little embarrassed as he saw his classmates move on to big white collar jobs. He later realized entertainment is just as important as any other job. Fast forward decades later, the man created a whole damn universe and inspires generations and many to come. In the moment you may feel like he did, but believing in yourself, as he did, means all the difference. BE YOU!

Keep smiling 🙂

Simply Siro

Photography – Sizlopics Makeup – Me

Dress – Stylavenue

Shoes – old

Maasai choker – Dupoto beads

Earring loops – Super Cosmetics

Rings – Shé