“Happy Anniversarry Simply Siro!” Olaa!! Okay, I know I do not post at these hours of the night but today I honestly forgot my blogs anniversary was today, I was so prepared to post tomorrow hahaha. Some angel just told me to check the date of my first post and I was like oopsie poopsie […]
Happy 2018!
“The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively,” Bob Marley. Happy 2018! I trust if you are reading this you were blessed enough to see another new year and I am glad you chose to come back […]
These City Streets! (pt.2)
“The city is not a concrete jungle, it is a human zoo.” Desmond Morris. Good morning beautiful fam! HAPPY HOLIDAYS! 🙂 I have seriously missed been in this space. It’s been a bit of a long year for me and I believe most of us, so today I’m trying something different and hopefully more entertaining. […]
6 Tricks To Help Keep You Eating Healthy
“Take care of your body, its the only place you live in.” Anon Ola! Hope you are doing well and are as excited as I am that the year is ending! With that in mind we are entering the very festive month of December when we tend to be tempted with FOOD! I know I […]
Taking stock 4
“The more reflective you are, the more effective you are.” Hall & Simeral Hello Fam! Hope you enjoyed your long holiday this past weekend and celebrated heroes in your life. I know I enjoyed mine; talking about heroes, have you read my last post on heroes & heritage? No? Just pose here and go read […]
Of Heroes & Heritage
“I have news for you, there is no Superman (it’s up to us.)” Tom Mboya Good morning! 🙂 I hope you had an awesome weekend mine was just fine. I don’t know about you but I love superhero fiction from comics to their adaptations on screen. Granted some suck but I love the whole thought […]
“Throw me to the wolves and i will return leading the pack” Anon Hello! It’s Monday and with it comes a new post for you 🙂 . Being badass means not caring about other people’s opinions, its been apologetically you. Today I will keep it short and sweet! I have watched enough movies to know […]
Monday Blues
“All our knowledge has its origins in our perception” Leonardo DaVinci Good morning fam! 🙂 It’s Monday! Another post and an entirely new week to work on your dreams. If Monday was a person they would have been massacred a long time ago. People hate Monday’s but hopefully today I may help you have less […]
A shift in fashion
“Over the years i have learned that what is important in a dress is the woman who is wearing it.” Yves Saint Laurent Good morning beautiful people! 🙂 Hope you had a great weekend mine was good and pretty much chill. So I start my exams today sigh* but feel like I’m winning since I […]